Vladimír Župka, Keep your data in *DTAARA secret

  • Přednášející: Milan Kalabis
  • Typ: Přednáška
  • Téma: Systém
  • Jazyk: CZ
  • Délka (min):
  • Klíčová slova:

Object * DTAARA is very popular and used for object handling data text information. One of the reasons is their simple and easy accessibility to and from the interactive and programming environment . However, if this data area used for handling secret information, then it becomes unusable and the user is forced to use a different type of object. This, however, but loses the above-mentioned advantages. This paper describes how this problem of access to classified information by using the textual equivalent command for the object * DTAARA (CRTENCDTA, RTVENDDRA, CHGENCDTA, ..) or API (QXECHGDA QXXCHGDA () - Change Encoded Data Area, QXERTVDA () - Encoded Retrieve Data Area) solved.


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COMMON Česká republika, z.s.
Datum vzniku: 20. června 2000
Spisová značka: L 10973 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Identifikační číslo: 70849706
Právní forma: Spolek